A tribute to one of the founders of Agility

by Peter Lewis

It is with great sadness that I write about the passing of Peter Meanwell whose struggle with cancer mercifully came to end during the early hours of the 25 July 2001

Peter started training dogs in 1962. He competed very successfully in Obedience competitions including the highest class. He also had an outstanding career in Working Trials (similar to Shutzhund) where there are two equally top stakes. They are Tracking Dog (TD) and Patrol Dog (PD).

By 1977 Peter had won 15 of these Championship trials with several different dogs the wins coming from either stake. Peter had two Border Collies who won their title of Champion, Petricas Laddie and Jamie of Petricas. He also won a Championship PD with an Alsatian called Amber of Brayfield. He judged both of these stakes on several occasions and subsequently was twice given the honour of judging The Kennel Club Working Trials Championships in 1976 and 1979.

Where Agility is concerned, without him it may never have started. Upon request to fill a vacant main ring half an hour, he put together the very first demonstration for Crufts Dog Show in 1978. It was received so enthusiastically that he was asked to repeat it in 1979 and then judge it at Crufts Dog Show in 1980. Subsequently the The Kennel Club recognised Agility as a dog sport and nowadays there are events taking place every week all over the country. It has spread to other countries to the extent that most of the countries in the world play this sport. Certainly all of Europe. Then from the USA to Russia, Japan and China to Australia. Small emerging countries such as the Baltic states are also involved. 

There is no doubt about it, without consciously seeking to do so Peter Meanwell has had an immense impact upon dog training not only in the UK but across the world. Few are able to have such an influence upon the dog scene but in Peter’s case he has unwittingly ensured that the world of dog training will never forget him.

Photo: The Kennel Club Picture Library
