INDIVIDUELS MINIS         Agility     Jumping     Total      
Place Chien Race Conducteur Pays T T-F C - F Time T-F C - F T T-F C - F Result
1 Spanish Styles Blue Baby Shetland Sheepdog Garcia, Peregrina Saavedra SPA 34.20 -4.80 0 29.69 -7.31 0 63.89 -12.11 0 -12.11
2 Take One Achillea Shetland Sheepdog Pulli, Marjut FIN 34.20 -4.80 0 30.81 -6.19 0 jan.65 -10.99 0 -10.99
3 Ara Yorkshire Terrier Canovas, Francisco Munoz SPA 34.89 -4.11 0 30.75 -6.25 0 65.64 -10.36 0 -10.36
4 Aisknekht Osborn Mittelspitz Tumanova, Svetlana RUS 34.78 -4.22 0 30.92 -6.08 0 65.70 -10.30 0 -10.30
5 Vedette of the Gloaming Berger des Pyrenees Trkman, Silvia SLO 35.67 -3.33 0 30.31 -6.69 0 65.98 -10.02 0 -10.02
6 Rico Von Den Garnicher Eichen Shetland Sheepdog Thines, Fabienne LUX 36.32 -2.68 0 30.20 -6.80 0 66.52 -9.48 0 -9.48
7 Peltsun Dizmar-Hugoboss Shetland Sheepdog Vesalehto, Jan FIN   -3.89 0 31.54 -5.46 0 66.65 -9.35 0 -9.35
8 Baronesse Hepta Shetland Sheepdog Liska, Radovan CZE 36.75 -2.25 0 30.52 -6.48 0 67.27 -8.73 0 -8.73
9 Ariaga Godema Shetland Sheepdog Drahokoupilova, Eliska CZE 35.33 -3.67 0 31.97 -5.03 0 67.30 -8.70 0 -8.70
10 Such a Symponie of the Happy Voice Shetland Sheepdog Schriek, Hilda NED 36.15 -2.85 0 31.28 -5.72 0 67.43 -8.57 0 -8.57
11 Marshland Fantom of the Opra Shetland Sheepdog Leggett, Katherine USA 36.35 -2.65 0 31.84 -5.16 0 68.19 -7.81 0 -7.81
12 N ACH Lille-Majas Ministrix Shetland Sheepdog Kosinski, Christina NOR 35.68 -3.32 0 32.91 -4.09 0 68.59 -7.41 0 -7.41
13 Patriot Piper Cub American Cocker Spaniel, black Bauman, Diane USA 37.62 -1.38 0   -3.99 0 70.63 -5.37 0 -5.37
14 Hippety Hoppety`s Our Byoux Shetland Sheepdog Jacobs, Jacco NED 37.53 -1.47 0 33.68 -3.32 0 71.21 -4.79 0 -4.79
15 S' Dicky Cavalier King Charles Spaniel De Corte, Katryn BEL 36.99 -2.01 0 34.31 -2.69 0 71.30 -4.70 0 -4.70
16 Siri Shetland Sheepdog Ekström, Maria SWE   -1.91 0 34.22 -2.78 0 71.31 -4.69 0 -4.69
17 N ACH Miss Arin's Beauty Lafayette Shetland Sheepdog Wilhelmsen, Elisabeth NOR 37.29 -1.71 0   -2.95 0 71.34 -4.66 0 -4.66
18 Dana Halcianskâ Dolina Papillon Marksteiner, Helga AUT   -0.94 0   -2.99 0 júl.72 -3.93 0 -3.93
19 Cristy-Kimberley From the Avid Dogs Shetland Sheepdog Guth, Tiny NED 38.61 -0.39 0   -2.98 0 72.63 -3.37 0 -3.37
20 Macrodahls Beatrice Phal?ne Bertilsson, Eva SWE 38.66 -0.34 0 34.34 -2.66 0 73.00 -3 0 -3
21 Daisy V Ghei Welsh Corgi Pembroke Polasek, Anton SUI 39.00 0.00 0 34.80 -2.20 0 73.80 -2.20 0 -2.20
22 Arkosligeti ”Kocos” Boroka Pumi Darnai, Cintia HUN 39.15 0.15 0 31.75 -5.25 0 70.90 0.15 0 0.15
23 Gubacs-Reme-Rokafogo Acsarka German Hunting Terrier Varga, Györgyi HUN 40.70 1.70 0 34.14 -2.86 0 74.84 1.70 0 1.70
24 Vicway Dirty Harry Welsh Terrier Mättö, Mika FIN 33.49 -5.51 5 29.28 -7.72 0 62.77 -13.23 5 5
25 Mira Des Drayeres Berger des pyrenees Jacquemin, Sylvain FRA 32.94 -6.06 0 30.21 -6.79 5 63.15 -12.85 5 5
26 Sting z Drzovsk?ho H?je Shetland Sheepdog Sedl?kov?, Dana CZE 35.24 -3.76 0 34.26 -2.74 5 69.50 -6.50 5 5
27 Max Parson Jack Russel Terrier Grohmann, Klaus GER 37.27 -1.73 5 32.33 -4.67 0 69.60 -6.40 5 5
28 Black Komtesse Kirstin von Piermont Caniche Moyen Schwarzmann, Susanne AUT 38.36 -0.64 5 31.73 -5.27 0   -5.91 5 5
29 Bold Willsen Shetland Sheepdog Maslihin, Viacheslav RUS 37.99 -1.01 5 32.66 -4.34 0 70.65 -5.35 5 5
30 Zobella Golden Barrister Shetland Sheepdog Marquard, Margit DEN 37.71 -1.29 5 34.38 -2.62 0   -3.91 5 5
31 De Petronio Felthorn Eneida Shetland Sheepdog Coni, Neus Baro SPA 36.94 -2.06 5 35.62 -1.38 0 72.56 -3.44 5 5
32 Kika Hundewelt Poodle Filho, Jose Luiz BRA 38.49 -0.51 0   -1.89 5 73.60 -2.40 5 5
33 Prinz Iwi Vom Mickigarten Shetland Sheepdog Lutz, Andy LUX 41.52 2.52 0 39.67 2.67 0 81.19   0 19.máj
34 Scandyline Ice and Fire Shetland Sheepdog Beljaeva, Lida LAT 40.63 1.63 5 37.63 0.63 0 78.26   5 26.júl
35 Mindo of Ichiba Tokyo JP Toy Poodle Sugimoto, Yasushi JPN 46.76 7.76 0 36.55 -0.45 0 83.31 7.76 0 7.76
36 Zaya Dolores of Karel e Douards Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Croons, Catharina BEL 42.43 3.43 5 37.72 0.72 0 80.15   5 15.szept
37 Jasmin Black Du Fuits Saint Loup Shetland Sheepdog Corr?, Jeremy FRA 36.71 -2.29 10 29.58 -7.42 0 66.29 -9.71 10 10
38 Hildebert`s Dream of Dali Miniature Schnauzer Vladislava, Akimova LAT 43.18   0 39.33 2.33 5 82.51 6.51 5 11.51
39 Freddy American Cocker Spaniel Sarycheva, Olga RUS 39.74 0.74 5 37.81 0.81 5 77.55 1.55 10 11.55
40 Emulator of Fallen Leavese Shetland Sheepdog Ashida, Satoshi JPN 45.35 6.35 5     0 84.43 8.43 5 13.43
41 Wirtus Fox Terrier Csecserits, Bea`ta HUN 43.42 4.42 5 37.58 0.58 5 81.00 5 10 15
42 Anniedear Border Terrier Karstunen, Janne FIN 36.32 -2.68 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
43 De Chipirrusquis Livinia Miniatura Schnauzer Aragones, Antonio Molina SPA 38.86 -0.14 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
44 Magdalena the First Lady von der Sheltiemühle Shetland Sheepdog Fried, Hans AUT 36.36 -2.64 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
45 Shamirosa`s Stephinie Shetland Sheepdog Crane Petersen, Maj-Brit DEN 37.61 -1.39 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
46 Prince Shetland Sheepdog Van Heghe, Ides BEL Disq. Disq. Disq. 33.22 -3.78 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
47 Nipornas Tootsi Testarossa Shetland Sheepdog Axelsson, Anita SWE 37.41 -1.59 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
48 Xomo Vom Stormarner Land Shetland Sheepdog Häck, Tatjana GER 35.96 -3.04 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
49 Joy`s Little Man Turbo Shetland Sheepdog Lombard, Barbara USA 34.62 -4.38 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
50 Esti`s Wollknäuel Dana`s Lovely Melody Zwerg pudel Eberle, Martin SUI Disq. Disq. Disq. 34.27 -2.73 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
51 Strathspey Allta Forest Poet Shetland Sheepdog Davis, Barbara USA 37.21 -1.79 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
52 Blue Prinses Kitan v. Claudia`s Love Shetland Sheepdog Verbesselt, Jean Pierre BEL   -3.95 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
53 N ACH Lille-Majas Tullik Shetland Sheepdog Froysa, Ingrid NOR 33.23 -5.77 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
54 Sannariina Pikkumyy Kromfohrländer Grönqvist, Mikko FIN 33.34 -5.66 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
55 Pumukli Kölyke Erna /Puszdeli Shetland Sheepdog Komüvesn? Kabai, Krisztina HUN 37.87 -1.13 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
56 Shellove Zita La Bana Shetland Sheepdog Hoffmeister, Gitte DEN 40.24   0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
57 Brinata Arctiec Night Miniature Schnauzer Osis, Gunar LAT 41.32 2.32 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
58 Cilic Udoli Trebuvky Shetland Sheepdog Luritzhofer, Wolfgang AUT 42.51 3.51 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
59 Barsetta Nancy Lyn Parson Jack Russel Terrier Badov?, Jana SVK 38.37 -0.63 5 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
60 Quincy Von Den Garnicher Eichen Shetland Sheepdog Heiderscheid, Chantal LUX 37.41 -1.59 5 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
61 Gwendolyn Black Van-Bery Shetland Sheepdog Podestov?, Martina CZE 36.30 -2.70 5 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
62 A Alist of Kazuya Field JP Welsh Gorgi Pembroke Egashira, Koji JPN 39.15 0.15 5 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
63 Guga Hundewelt Poodle Filho, Jose Luiz BRA 44.48 5.48 0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
64 Luma du Chien Tres Joly Maltese Soares, Rosa C. BRA     0 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
65 Dorian Gray`s Aphrodite Miniature poodle Marekovic`, Alen CRO 43.13   5 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
66 Dream Girl From Marmoreas Shelter Shetland Sheepdog Schmid, Cornelia SUI 36.66 -2.34 10 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
67 Damkas Hedvig Caniche Moyen Jansson, Maria SWE 37.24 -1.76 10 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
68 Dzesika Caniche Moyen Vanusina, Svetlana LAT 40.77 1.77 10 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
69 Kim II Do Absoluto Brazilian Terrier De Lima, Helio BRA 52.50 13.50 15 Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
70 Ringmaster Nigel vd Vuuf Ringen Shetland Sheepdog Kist, Monique NED Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
71 Ketcher Traiv Fidzhet Lakeland Terrier Kostogarova, Galina RUS Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
72 Danbrets Morning Monice Shetland Sheepdog Metz, Pia DEN Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
73 N ACH Lille-Majas Wolfgang Amadeus Shetland Sheepdog Ostvang, Jan Erik NOR Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq.
74 Cjoja Duan Gong TibetanTerrier Ulmer, Sandra SUI Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq. Disq