Startnr Handler Name Dog Breed Nation time faults time faults total
1 129 Ostarijas, Vinko Gala Mixbreed Slovenian 68,32 0 0 0
2 97 Lissoni, Costanza Soia Mixbreed Italy 70,03 0 0 0
3 105 Thijssen, Marjo Sep Mixbreed The Netherlands 70,4 0 0 0
4 131 Broeders, Sharon Filan Shetland Sheepdog The Netherlands 73,47 0 0,94 0,94
5 120 Slezáková, Adriana Timy Mixbreed Czech Republic 73,63 0 2,59 2,59
6 115 Cassini, Sara Nutella Mixbreed Italy 76,78 0 2,78 2,78
7 95 Gründler, Lesly Pino Mixbreed Germany 77,26 0 3,26 3,26
8 117 Rosseau, Werner Blizzard Shetland Sheepdog The Netherlands 71,75 1 0 5
9 113 Schovancová, Nikola Jessy Mixbreed Czech Republic 74,76 1 0,76 5,76
10 110 Biró, Zsófi Philip English Cocker Spaniel Hungary 75,85 1 2,38 7,38
11 104 Kostohris, Alfred Lucy Mixbreed Austria 76,85 1 2,85 7,85
12 108 Pancera, Antonio Blacky Mixbreed Italy 75,24 2 1,86 11,86
13 122 Castagni, Michela Pluto Mixbreed Italy 78,03 1 7,43 12,43
14 103 Timolino, Silvia Niky Mixbreed Italy 73,21 3 0 15
15 134 Szombati-Gile, Tamás Sherry Beagle Romania 87,05 1 13,05 18,05
16 128 Schei, Eva Terry Mixbreed Italy 82,74 2 8,74 18,74
17 132 Szabó, Áron Fanni Beagle Hungary 85,89 2 11,89 21,89
18 102 Saucez, Pol Y'Gipsy Parson Russell Terrier Belgium 96,05 0 22,05 22,05
19 99 Homolya, Iidikó Zizi Hungarian Puli Hungary 86,59 2 12,59 22,59
20 109 Moran, Robert Zig Border Collie Spain 96,16 1 22,16 27,16
21 133 Nagel, Michael Felix Mixbreed Germany 91,89 2 17,89 27,89
22 112 Preyer-Bayer, Maria Strolchi Mixbreed Austria 99,82 1 25,82 30,82
23 96 Hrušková, Veronika Benny Mixbreed Czech Republic 94,18 4 20,18 40,18
24 107 Alku, Meri Piippa Mixbreed Finland 36,05 20 0 100
25 98 Waal van der, Arie Ilva Dutch Kooikerhondje  The Netherlands 34,31 20 0,31 100,31
26 111 Jonkers, Renée Max Parson Russell Terrier The Netherlands 36,74 21 0 105
27 126 Hajduková, Lenka Daisy Mixbreed Czech Republic 39,25 21 0 105
28 127 Grade, Klaudia Heinerle Border Terrier Germany 40,75 21 0,75 105,75
29 106 Őtvös, Szilvia Lisa Jagd Terrier Hungary 35,24 21 1,24 106,24
30 123 Bree van, Diana Kinkajou Pyrenean Shepherd The Netherlands 37,29 21 3,29 108,29
31 114 Clercq, Stefan de Bunny Mixbreed Belgium 56,02 20 16,02 116,02
32 125 Holluyn, Anneleen Varese Shetland Sheepdog Belgium 48,53 22 8,53 118,53
33 118 Kovács, Dorottya Füles Mixbreed Hungary 49,37 22 9,37 119,37
34 101 Haslinger, Cornelia Irmi English Cocker Spaniel Austria 55,14 22 15,14 125,14
124 Stefl, Isabella Gina Mixbreed Austria 2 ELIMS
100 Gomez Olalla, Ana Maria Nuca Mixbreed Spain 2 ELIMS
116 Alvarez, Antonio Luna Face Shetland Sheepdog Spain 2 ELIMS
119 Haberleitner, Marion Basko Mixbreed Austria 2 ELIMS
121 Loche, Petra Ricarda Border Collie Germany 2 ELIMS
130 Duran, Josep Aran Cocker Spaniel Spain 2 ELIMS