Startnr Handler Name Dog Breed Nation time faults time faults total
1 190 Peen, Rob Twister Border Collie The Netherlands 76,05 0 0 0
2 147 Kučerová, Martina Blackie Border Collie Czech Republic 81,34 0 0 0
3 195 Loche, Petra Ashley Border Collie Germany 82,91 0 0 0
4 148 Grefenstein, Mona Cleo Tervueren Shepherd Germany 84,49 0 0,25 0,25
5 183 Řezničková, Ljuba Maya Mixbreed Czech Republic 86,02 0 0,67 0,67
6 176 Kochová, Irena Alf Border Town Border Collie Czech Republic 85,78 0 0,69 0,69
7 178 Mazzei, Davide Molly Mixbreed Italy 83,08 0 1,03 1,03
8 157 Nieder, Susanne Dana Belgian Groenendael Germany 86,7 0 2,94 2,94
9 160 Sontrop, Walter Dice Border Collie The Netherlands 86,43 0 3,07 3,07
10 146 Baert, Kevin Max Mixbreed Belgium 93,19 0 4,19 4,19
11 170 Wit de, Sjun Ashley Border Collie The Netherlands 80,8 1 0 5
12 173 Macchiella, Laura Kira Mixbreed Italy 83,26 1 0 5
13 180 Tóth, ágnes Néró Mixbreed Hungary 94,1 0 5,1 5,1
14 162 Lajos, Bori Manó Mixbreed Hungary 94,58 0 5,58 5,58
15 152 Tunders, Patrick Arco Belgian Malinois The Netherlands 87,64 1 2,58 7,58
16 155 Strynck, Koen Radjah Tervueren Shepherd Belgium 93,27 1 4,27 9,27
17 194 Kyllonen, Riitta Morris Mixbreed Finland 78,25 2 0 10
18 199 Felleg, Bernadett Spuri German Shorth Pointer Hungary 78,46 2 0 10
19 165 Pišt'ková, Radana Rose Border Collie Czech Republic 80,29 2 0 10
20 145 Gärtner, Sabrina Heyko Border Collie Austria 92,01 2 4,02 14,02
21 158 Aureli, Sara Olivia Mixbreed Italy 86,87 3 2,11 17,11
22 168 Ritter, Martin Luna Australian Shepherd Germany 91,6 3 2,6 17,6
23 161 Ruiz, Gabriel Flequi Border Collie Spain 90,6 3 3,6 18,6
24 174 Meisel, Eduard Sliva Australian Shepherd Austria 102,17 2 13,17 23,17
25 154 Murgui, Jose Lassie Mixbreed Spain 89,56 4 4,47 24,47
26 166 Dewannemacker, Eddy Ziko Labrador Retriever Belgium 108,57 1 19,57 24,57
27 197 Tieber, Wolfgang Perfi Border Collie Austria 98,86 3 9,86 24,86
28 163 Torregrosa, Antonio Iris Border Collie Spain 105,98 2 16,98 26,98
29 175 Dooremont, Anne Scott Border Collie Belgium 100,7 4 11,7 31,7
30 181 Velzel, Jeannette Ker Border Collie Switzerland 93,8 6 4,8 34,8
31 151 Grunder, Sascha Fellini Mixbreed Switzerland 115,31 2 26,31 36,31
32 144 Pantis, Claudia Lassie Collie Romania 110,68 4 21,68 41,68
33 191 Aranda, Salvador Dama Belgian Malinois Spain 112,4 4 23,4 43,4
34 192 Ruiz, Gabriel Fly Border Collie Spain 112,73 5 23,73 48,73
35 185 Willemse, Wendy Genesis Cisco Border Collie The Netherlands 36,19 20 0 100
36 182 Rech, Andrea Homer Mixbreed Italy 38,22 20 0,22 100,22
37 193 Lovasco, Fabio Rugiada Mixbreed Italy 38,53 20 0,53 100,53
38 177 Baumann, Marita Tempête Tervueren Shepherd Germany 38,66 20 0,66 100,66
39 184 Stühlinger, Rosa Amy Border Collie Austria 38,99 20 0,99 100,99
40 169 Kamer, Andreas Flash Australian Shepherd Switzerland 40,64 20 2,64 102,64
41 188 Fái, Noémi Frakk Australian Kelpie Hungary 40,85 20 2,85 102,85
42 164 Vuorela, Virve Roosa Mixbreed Finland 40,89 20 2,89 102,89
43 200 Witte, Franky de Vagabond Border Collie Belgium 41,97 20 3,97 103,97
44 186 Stefaniu, Calin Franzi Belgian Malinois Austria 48,53 21 0 105
45 156 Hasslinger, Cornelia Ylvie Mixbreed Austria 51,88 21 0,88 105,88
46 187 Schmit, Markus Samson Mixbreed Germany 41,17 21 3,17 108,17
47 196 Duran, Josep Fura Border Collie Spain 39,45 22 1,45 111,45
48 150 Cumplido, Emilio Quira Golden Retriever Spain 54,96 22 3,96 113,96
49 167 Martin, Karl Cecile Briard Austria 52,07 23 1,07 116,07
50 153 Pappné-Fejes, Zsuzsanna Griff Border Collie Hungary 52,12 24 1,12 121,12
51 189 Partridge, Richard Murphy Mixbreed  United Kingdom 49,45 23 11,45 126,45
52 198 Riet, Kathleen van Buddy Border Collie Belgium 74,19 21 23,19 128,19
159 Grunder, Sascha McNickey Border Collie Switzerland 2 ELIMS
172 Shlyonskyy, Borys Nora German sheepdog Ukraine 2 ELIMS
171 Ventose, Luc Yarred Border Collie Belgium 2 ELIMS
179 Ramel, Karin-Andrea Cherokee Belgian Groenendael Switzerland 2 ELIMS
201 Páll, Timea Mirkó German Shephard Romania 48,21 0 10,21 1 ABS